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Eight Tax Savers for Parents
Your children may help you qualify for valuable tax benefits. Here are eight tax benefits parents should look out for when filing their federal tax returns this year.
The Earned Income Tax Credit Gives Workers a Boost
For nearly 40 years, the Earned Income Tax Credit has been helping low- to moderate-income workers by giving them a boost to their income. Four out of five eligible workers claim EITC, but the IRS wants every eligible worker to claim and get this cre
Five Great Reasons to E-file
Five Great Reasons to E-file
Who Should File a Tax Return
Who Should File a 2013 Tax Return?
Summer Tax Needs
Summer Tax Needs
Special Tax Benefits for Armed Forces Personnel
Special Tax Benefits for Armed Forces Personnel
Keep Tax and Financial Records Safe in Case of a Natural Disaster
Keep Tax and Financial Records Safe in Case of a Natural Disaster
Time is Running Short to Claim Your 2009 Refund
If you haven’t filed your 2009 federal tax return, you may still have time to claim your tax refund. The IRS has $917 million in unclaimed refunds from an estimated 984,000 tax returns that people didn’t file for the 2009 tax year. The IRS estimates
Budget Sequestration Reduces Some Credits and Awards
Federal budget sequestration has resulted in required cuts to certain credits and awards, effective March 1. These required cuts include a reduction to the refundable portion of the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit for certain small tax-exempt e
Tax Tips for Newlyweds
Late spring and early summer are popular times for weddings. Whatever the season, a change in your marital status can affect your taxes. Here are several tips from the IRS for newlyweds.
Tips to Start Planning Next Year's Tax Return
For most taxpayers, the tax deadline has passed. But planning for next year can start now. The IRS reminds taxpayers that being organized and planning ahead can save time and money in 2014. Here are six things you can do now to make next April 15 eas
IRS Offers Tips for Dealing with Notices
Each year, the IRS sends millions of letters and notices to taxpayers for a variety of reasons. Here are ten things you should know about IRS notices in case one shows up in your mailbox.
Six Facts on Tax Refunds and Offsets
Certain financial debts from your past may affect your current federal tax refund. The law allows the use of part or all of your federal tax refund to pay other federal or state debts that you owe. Here are six facts from the IRS that you should k
IRS Warns Donors about Charity Scams Following Recent Tragedies in Boston and Texas
It’s sad but true. Following major disasters and tragedies, scam artists impersonate charities to steal money or get private information from well-intentioned taxpayers. Fraudulent schemes involve solicitations by phone, social media, email or in-per
Ten Facts on Filing an Amended Tax Return
What should you do if you already filed your federal tax return and then discover a mistake? Don’t worry; you have a chance to fix errors by filing an amended tax return. This year you can use the new IRS tool, ‘Where's My Amended Return?’ to easily
IRS Fresh Start Program Helps Taxpayers Who Owe the IRS
The IRS Fresh Start program makes it easier for taxpayers to pay back taxes and avoid tax liens. Even small business taxpayers may benefit from Fresh Start. Here are three important features of the Fresh Start program: • Tax Liens. The Fresh Star
IRS Offers Tips for Taxpayers Who Missed the Tax Deadline
The IRS has some advice for taxpayers who missed the tax filing deadline. File as soon as possible. If you owe federal income tax, you should file and pay as soon as you can to minimize any penalty and interest charges. There is no penalty for fi
Ten Helpful Tips for Paying Your Taxes
Are you making a payment with your federal tax return this year? If so, here are 10 important things the IRS wants you to know about correctly paying your federal income taxes.
Tips for Taxpayers Who Can't Pay Their Taxes on Time
If you find you owe tax after completing your federal tax return but can't pay it all when you file, the IRS wants you to know your options. Here are four tips that can help you lower the amount of interest and penalties when you don’t pay the ful
Eight Tax-Time Errors to Avoid
If you make a mistake on your tax return, it usually takes the IRS longer to process it. The IRS may have to contact you about that mistake before your return is processed. This will delay the receipt of your tax refund. The IRS reminds filers that
Two Education Credits Help Pay Higher Education Costs
The American Opportunity Credit and the Lifetime Learning Credit may help you pay for the costs of higher education. If you pay tuition and fees for yourself, your spouse or your dependent you may qualify for these credits. Here are some facts the I
Seven Tips for Taxpayers with Foreign Income
The IRS reminds U.S. citizens and residents who lived or worked abroad in 2012 that they may need to file a federal income tax return. If you are living or working outside the United States, you generally must file and pay your tax in the same way as
Home Office Deduction a Tax Break for Those Who Work from Home
If you use part of your home for your business, you may qualify to deduct expenses for the business use of your home. Here are six facts from the IRS to help you determine if you qualify for the home office deduction.
Claiming the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit
The Child and Dependent Care Credit can help offset some of the costs you pay for the care of your child, a dependent or a spouse. Here are 10 facts the IRS wants you to know about the tax credit for child and dependent care expenses.
Five Tax Credits that Can Reduce Your Taxes
A tax credit reduces the amount of tax you must pay. A refundable tax credit not only reduces the federal tax you owe, but also could result in a refund. Here are five credits the IRS wants you to consider before filing your 2012 federal income tax
Four Ways to Get Free Tax Help
Many of us need information when preparing our federal income tax returns, like which form to use or how to claim a credit. The IRS offers free information and services to help taxpayers online, by phone and in person. Here are four ways to get the h
Four Things You Should Know if You Barter
Small businesses sometimes barter to get products or services they need. Bartering is the trading of one product or service for another. Usually there is no exchange of cash. An example of bartering is a plumber doing repair work for a dentist in exc
How to Check on Your Refund
The new video How to Use the Where's My Refund? Tool offers in-depth information about how the redesigned “Where’s My Refund” tool on works. The IRS’s previous refund YouTube video When Will I Get My Refund? has already received more than 75
Social Security Benefits and Your Taxes
Some people must pay taxes on their Social Security benefits. If you get Social Security, you should receive a Form SSA-1099, Social Security Benefit Statement, by early February. The form shows the amount of benefits you received in 2012.
First-Time Homebuyer Credit Look-up Tool Helps Taxpayers Who Must Repay the Credit
The IRS no longer mails reminder letters to taxpayers who have to repay the First-Time Homebuyer Credit. To help taxpayers who must repay the credit, the IRS website has a user-friendly look-up tool. Here are four reminders about repaying the credit
How You Can Get Prior Year Tax Information from the IRS
The IRS offers several different ways to get tax return information or a copy of your own tax return for prior years. Here are options to help you get the information you need.
Save Money with the Child Tax Credit
If you have a child under age 17, the Child Tax Credit may save you money at tax-time. Here are some facts the IRS wants you to know about the credit.
Important Reminders about Tip Income
If your pay from your job includes tips, the IRS has a few important reminders about tip income: Tips are taxable. Individuals must pay federal income tax on any tips they receive. The value of non-cash tips, such as tickets, passes or other items
Eight Tax Benefits for Parents
Your children may help you qualify for valuable tax benefits, such as certain credits and deductions. If you are a parent, here are eight benefits you shouldn’t miss when filing taxes this year.
Six Important Facts about Dependents and Exemptions
While each individual tax return is unique, there are some tax rules that affect every person who files a federal income tax return. These rules involve dependents and exemptions. The IRS has six important facts about dependents and exemptions that w
Top 10 Ways to Get Help from
When you’re looking for tax information, you want to find it as quickly and easily as possible. That’s why the IRS redesigned its website. It’s now even more user friendly. Here are the top 10 reasons to visit
Let Free File Do the Hard Work for You
Taxes can be taxing. But, you don’t have to be a tax expert to prepare your federal tax return. Using IRS Free File, you can prepare and e-file your federal taxes on brand-name software for free. The program is a partnership between the IRS and the F
Who Should File a Tax Return
If you received income during 2012, you may need to file a tax return in 2013. The amount of your income, your filing status, your age and the type of income you received will determine whether you’re required to file. Even if you are not required to